Ugandan artist John Baptist Tumuhaise brings a Jewish Ugandan village to life in this story of a young girl who is distracted from her Shabbat preparation chores by the lure of a dance troop that comes to her village.
Young Miryam wakes to a bright morning and the many chores needed to help get ready for Friday night and Shabbat in her small Ugandan village. As readers follow her through her day, they learn elements of celebrating this weekly Jewish ritual that are both universal in Jewish culture and unique to the Jewish Ugandan community, the Abuyadaya, or Tribe of Judea. A glossary explains the names of ritual foods, Ugandan terms, and landmarks used in the story.
With an afterword by Gershom Sizomu, chief rabbi of Uganda.
Meet the spunkiest five sisters of the Bible: Mahlah, Noa, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah. The Sisters Z. Orphaned, the Sisters Z have learned to stick together and stand up for their rights as a family.
Camped near the River Jordan, the five sisters can almost see the land of Canaan. They look forward to no longer having to live in a tent, but in a real home of stone and clay.
One day, Milcah and Tirzah climb Mt. Nebo to get a glimpse of Canaan and overhear Moses explain to the elders that only males will inherit property. The sisters won't inherit their father's parcel of land to build their home. They might even be separated. Outraged, the five sisters go to Moses to plead their case.
The Sisters Z don’t know they’re arguing the first case in history to allow women to inherit land. They just know it’s not fair.
The Sisters Z is a refreshing retelling of the story of the daughters of Zelophehad. The sisters’ personalities sparkle through the story's prose and in the lively illustrations by Lena Tohoff. Children of all ages will cheer as the sisters stand up to Moses for their rightful inheritance of land.
In the harsh desert, the Israelites wander on rugged paths, under the blazing sun, through chilly nights. It feels endless.
One day, the children discover a creature with a horn that glows like the moon and a coat that glistens like stained glass. A creature as real as hope, as real as joy. The journey to the Promised Land will be long, but the desert unicorn will light the way in this story inspired by an ancient rabbinic understanding of a creature in the book of Exodus.
Written with Bonnie Grubman, illustrated by Amberin Huq, published by Apples and Honey Press.
“Finally, someone has explained the age-old question about Adam and Eve’s belly buttons! No, not author Kerry Olitzky (though he too), but rather schoolchild Rebecca visiting the Natural Wonders Museum! A delightful book – for parents and children alike! “ Dr. Gary A. Rendsburg, Blanche and Irving Laurie Chair in Jewish History, Rutgers University
A group of kids are in a museum as part of a school field trip. Suddenly, the museum security guard announces that someone stole the belly buttons from the museum’s statue of Adam and Eve. This initiates a search for the missing belly buttons which is resolved with humor, insight and a bit of science.
Illustrated by Vivian Saad.
Published by Taylor and Seale
"A message that models important Jewish values" Sydney Taylor Shmooze
In a synagogue, everyone plays an important role: the rabbi, the cantor, the teachers, and even the congregation. But some synagogues are lucky enough to have a candy man. Everyone loves the Candy Man at Temple Shalom, especially the kids. It’s not just because of the delicious candy that he gives out after Shabbat services, either. Mr. Sharansky is always ready to help, whether it’s reading a book during junior congregation, telling a silly joke, or just sharing a friendly smile. But when the Candy Man goes missing, Josh and Becky get to work to uncover the mystery. In the end, the kids find the Candy Man—and so much more! Order at
Tova travels with her mother to Alaska during the summer. In the Land of the Midnight Sun, she is uncertain how to tell the correct time. Tova is unsure how to tell when the Sabbath begins or ends when the sun never seems to set. She decides to ask the animals if they know how to tell the time, but most of them do not know. Tova decides to find a wise whale. The orca shares the secret to understanding time with a circular sun and reminds her of the magic of the Sabbath.
Published by Relevant Publishers
“This heartwarming story and these enchanting illustrations offer a beautiful message of faith, friendship and the power of love to unite us all. Rudy and his friends live out the message of both Torah and Gospel- providing children with wonderful models to affirm- during the Holiday Season and all year around!” a review by Rabbi Howard Berman
More than just a maintenance man, Rudy is an integral part of the synagogue family. He fixes things and comforts people. But when he gets hurt, he is unable to put up his Christmas tree and decorate his home. So members of the synagogue come to the rescue. This interfaith story helps people to understand that you can show kindness to people in the midst of their holidays, even when those holidays are not your own.
Illustrated by Jen Hernandez.
Published by Higher Ground Books and Media.
“Sam and Sophie is the perfect book for any growing family and is fully deserving of my Five Coffee Cup Rating" Kerri L Goyette, author of The Perfect Day series
What happens with older siblings when a child is born? Jealously--then unconditional love. Springing out of the tradition of planting a tree when a baby is born, this is a spiritual story of gratitude by an older sibling.
Illustrated by Jen Hernandez.
Published by Higher Ground Books and Media.
"This sweet modern midrash describes how Noah and his wife, Naamah, welcome the animals as they enter the ark two by two. Ever mindful of their needs, the couple arranged different-sized potties—big ones for elephants and little ones for lizards—a not-so-subtle lesson for potty trainees." Gloria Goldreich, Hadassah Magazine
Uh-oh! The animals need to go. Not just on a journey on Noah's Ark, but to the potty, too! Noah's wife, Naamah, helps each animal—owl, giraffe, monkey, raccoon, and even elephant—go potty while on the big ark. Illustrated by Abigail Thompkins, published by Kar Ben Publishing,
"Waiting for El Colibrí is a story of a father and son, absence and return, hope and harvest. The sweet and colourful illustrations add to the book's charm.
Before leaving to harvest tomatoes, Papi leaves Pedro in charge of his own special garden. Pedro works hard to care for his garden but will his efforts be enough to entice the rare and majestic hummingbirds to come visit? Illustrated by Jen Kostman. Published by Floricanto Press.
Also available in a Spanish edition.
Author proceeds benefit the
This is an on-line read aloud story.
Aliza’s street is the brightest in town, because everyone puts up holiday lights in December, except for one neighbor who lives alone. One night, Aliza sees that there is a candle burning in this man’s house. She thinks that he has finally gotten into the holiday spirit, but it turns out that the light is coming from a yahrzeit memorial candle. Aliza gathers her friends to learn more about the candle and the man. In the end, with that candle burning, and everyone else’s holiday lights, Aliza’s street indeed becomes the brightest street in town. The intentionally subtle backdrop for this story is Aliza’s intermarried family.
BookSpring is a nonprofit organization that is focused on building literacy skills and the motivation to read through increasing home libraries and reading aloud activities for children.